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10 Essay Help Tips to Share with Friends

  • Written by The Times

Are you someone struggling with writing essays? A well-written essay is sometimes a challenging task. But you are not alone in the journey of essay writing. 

You can't always create an interesting essay as it calls for a flow of creativity. A lot of research is required to make it informative. Plenty of resources are available to support your essay writing journey smoother. Additionally, you can seek essay help online from online forums or academic communities like Apart from that, there are so many books, journals, and websites out there from which you can structure how to write a well-crafted essay.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Here is more on the challenges of writing an essay. 

Challenges in Writing Essays:

Before you delve into writing essays, it is essential to understand the common pitfalls in writing essays – the very reasons students hire an essay helper.

- Lack of Research: Writing a well-crafted essay requires a lot of research to support the arguments. Finding reliable sources for relevant information gathering is important. 

- Amateur Skills: There are so many students out there who are new to writing essays. They possess limited experience in constructing a well-organized essay. So, writing an essay from scratch can be a challenging task for many students.

- Creative Obstacles: Writing an essay needs creativity. When you have to write so many assignments back to back, being creative can be quite the hurdle. 

- Time Consuming: Balancing tests alongside multiple assignments with clashing deadlines is definitely hectic. When working on a tight deadline, writing a quality essay can seem like an insurmountable task.

- Perfectionism: There are so many students out there who are looking to perfect their essays before submission. That leads to consuming much time in revision and inability to finish their task. 

Let us now discover the tips to overcome these challenges like a pro!

10+ Tips to Improve the Process of Essay Writing

1. Proper Understanding Of Prompt: 

Acknowledging the prompt of the essay before starting the writing process is necessary. Analyzing the key points and requirements as per the guidelines is required. Feel free to clarify with your instructors about the doubts. 

2. Be Genuine to Your Readers:

Try to use your voice in a natural way of speaking. Readers can sense flowery words which are not used in daily conversation. Choose an essay subject from which the reader can achieve a genuine interest. Suppose you can write about the technological impact on society, climate change and environmental conservations, social justice and equality or mental health awareness and well-being.

Speak about your opinion, situation or background. It will increase the interest of the reader to know about it more strongly than a victory speech.

3. Hook the Reader from the Outset:

Start writing an essay with a stellar opening sentence or a paragraph. Try to include a thoughtful quote, statement or question with a descriptive sense. A natural starting of an essay with a roadmap can show that what are the things we are going to read and make readers more interested. It will present the purpose of your writing.

4. Examine Underlying Themes:

When it's time to focus on deeper themes, we can include facts, descriptions and other activities. It is called the body of the paragraph. According to the University Of Michigan, the paragraph of the body helps to prove the thesis, starting from the introduction to the conclusion. If you are writing a simple topic, you don't need to follow the following steps. Otherwise, in case of a complex topic, follow the strategy of MEAT. MEAT consists of:

- Main Idea: It is the area of an essay to include the main topic like labels, arguable or focused.

- Evidence: Evidence focuses on different sentences, ideas or citation styles. It includes quotations, statistics or descriptions.
- Analysis: It is the part of an essay to discuss the evidence with proper logic.
- Transition: Transition helps to move to a conclusion.

5. Focus on Showcasing:

You have chosen a topic as per your interest. Now, try to showcase the scenes and tell the story by using your words, accomplishments and activities.

6. Think Outside the Box:

Try to explore information which is out of the box. Try doing something different with an entirely new perspective to stand out. For example, almost every student in your class is writing about games, hobbies and books. What if you are writing about your lessons from your losses or something related to practicality? It will definitely make your art of creating an essay stand out from the class.

7. Write from Readers Perspective:

According to Stephen King, "If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time to write, Simple as that". Keeping that in mind, you can start writing. While writing, understand the audience and their perspective. Think about whether the information which you are writing is really worthy to the reader or not!

8. Non-Plagiarized Essay:

To avoid submitting a plagiarized essay, you can use tools like Duplichecker or SmallSeoTools. Writing a non-plagiarized essay will increase the authenticity of your entire content.

9. Get Feedback:

You can join the best writing groups or share your writing with your teachers or parents before submitting the final cut. Taking feedback from your instructors for your assignment can improve the skills of your writing.

10. Improve Your Proofreading Skill: 

Understand common mistakes like grammar, punctuation and articles. Improve your proofreading skills by comparing your own work with a well-edited essay. Consider free tools like Grammarly. Also, read the entire essay aloud to detect typos or long sentences or words that do not fit the context.

11. Write a Conclusion:

Write a compact conclusion with the information which you have written previously. Don't include anything new in this paragraph. Create an artful conclusion which is woven throughout your piece of art.


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