The Times Australia

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The Times


Supporting Australians With Disabilities: DJMed Partners With NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding and support for Australians with permanent and significant disabilities. For many participants, specialized mobility equipment like wheelchairs can be life-changing. Through a new partnership, Australian manufacturer DJMed is working with the NDIS to provide customized, locally made products.

Australia's National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has revolutionized the provision of support and services for individuals with disabilities. In a landmark collaboration, the NDIS has partnered with renowned Australian mobility manufacturer DJMed to address the challenges and reap the benefits of Australian-made disability equipment. This partnership not only emphasizes the importance of local innovation but also underscores the commitment to delivering high-quality, tailored solutions for people with disabilities.

Challenges of Australian Made Equipment

Producing specialized disability equipment domestically has some unique challenges. Australian wages, rents, utility costs and materials prices are higher compared to overseas competitors. This makes it difficult to achieve economies of scale and keep prices low. Local small-batch production also tends to rely on more manual processes rather than large-scale automation.

However, importing mobility scooter aids can also introduce quality control issues. Products designed for other markets may not suit Australian homes, climate and lifestyles. Maintenance and parts can be difficult to obtain.

Partnership Benefits

DJMed aims to use Aussie innovation to design equipment tailored for NDIS participants. All products are tested and certified to relevant Australian standards. Production staff get specialized training to optimize comfort, safety and durability.

Making equipment locally also allows much greater customization compared to one-size-fits-all imports. DJMed can collaborate one-on-one with NDIS occupational therapists and participants to match chairs to individual physical, lifestyle and home environment needs.

By selecting an Australian manufacturer as an approved NDIS provider, funding can directly support local jobs, economic growth and lower carbon emissions from reduced transport. It also builds national capability and expertise in specialized disability equipment production.

While local equipment production faces cost challenges, DJMed’s partnership with NDIS highlights the social and economic benefits of supporting Australian made disability aids. With customized designs and a nuanced understanding of local requirements, Australian companies like DJMed can truly transform and empower the lives of NDIS participants.

The collaboration between NDIS and DJMed exemplifies the power of local partnerships in addressing the challenges and maximizing the benefits of Australian-made disability equipment. By fostering innovation, customization, and economic growth, this collaboration not only transforms the lives of individuals with disabilities but also paves the way for a more resilient and inclusive future in the Australian disability support landscape. The NDIS and DJMed partnership serves as a beacon, inspiring further advancements in the quest for excellence in disability equipment provision.


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