The Symbology Of Birthstones

Way back in the Middle Ages, the healers and wise men of the time thought that all gemstones held supernatural powers, a belief that continues on to this very day! The tradition still fascinates us, so let's examine the birthstones and the gift they bequeath upon those born under their sway!
October = Opal - We will begin here simply because it is October at the time of this writing. Opals come in two base colours, white, and you can buy black opal online! They are a popular gift because they have a rainbow inside them! The word "opal" is derived from the Greek word "opallios" which means changing colours. The opal gemstone represents good luck, especially to those born in October.
November = Topaz - The topaz gemstone boasts gorgeous orange and yellow hues. It was named after the Mediterranean island of Topazos where it was discovered by ancient Romans. The topaz symbolizes longevity, friendship, and wisdom.
December = Tanzanite - The tanzanite gemstone comes in lovely shades of blue and violet. Tanzanite was named after the African country of Tanzania, where it was first discovered. Tanzanite symbolizes confidence, fidelity, and love.
January = Garnet - The precious purple garnet was used to make jewellery over 5000 years ago in ancient Egypt. Garnet represents friendship, health, passion, and love.
February = Amethyst - The jewel of kings, this pale lavender to dark violet gemstone has long been favoured by royalty going all the way back to 3000 B.C. Egypt where it was placed on the crowns of pharaohs, with some considering it to be more precious than a diamond! Amethyst symbolises happiness, security, and spirituality.
March = Aquamarine - Ancient sailors believed aquamarine to be a gift of the mermaids and carrying it ensured a safe sea voyage. The word "aquamarine" is derived from the Latin words for "water" and "sea" because of its splendid blue-green colour. Aquamarine now represents honesty, youth, loyalty, and hope.
April = Diamond - This birthstone is considered to be the most valuable gemstone of all time. Diamonds are extremely strong and make jewellery of captivating loveliness. Most diamonds are colorless and clear, but are found in other hues in very rare cases. Diamonds symbolise love, purity, and unity.
May = Emerald - Gorgeous green emeralds were mined in Upper Egypt around 2000 B.C. and were a favourite of Cleopatra. Emeralds represent wisdom, rebirth, good fortune, and love.
June = Pearl - The precious pearl isn't actually a gemstone, but a lucky byproduct of the saltwater oyster's feeding process. The word "pearl" is derived from the French word "perle" which means leg, the shape they thought oysters resemble. Pearls symbolises success, happiness and love.
July = Ruby - The red ruby was once considered to be the ruler of all gemstones, and was worn by Ancient Hindu kings to protect their souls from demons. Rubies symbolise health, wisdom, and love.
August = Peridot - Lovely olive-green "peridot" comes from the Greek word, "peridona" meaning "plenty". The peridot symbolizes abundance and prosperity.
September = Sapphire - This striking blue gem was considered to be a talisman against harm. Sapphires represent peace, serenity, and calm.
May your entire year be as fortunate as these precious stones!