Here are some great ways that you can support creative and curious children
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A child’s learning doesn’t stop when they leave their classroom or daycare room. Children’s minds will develop faster in their first five years, than at any other time in their lives. It’s important for us as Educators, as well as parents to always be providing opportunities for our children to explore their curiosity and get creative.
Little Saints embraces play-based learning as it sparks a child’s curiosity. It also builds their confidence, and empowers children to have the viewpoint of endless possibilities. It’s our priority to be working with children to develop skills that will help them excel in life, including, critical thinking, creativity, innovation and problem solving skills. Here are some ways that you, as a role model, can support your child’s creativity and curiosity every single day.
1- They’re always watching
Children are born curious and will spend every waking moment watching, learning and trying to figure out the world that surrounds them. Our actions as parents and carers are critical in shaping their minds. They are continually adding new knowledge to build upon the existing knowledge, then they adapt previously held ideas and information to make way for the new. This means that each time you act curiously or creatively, like choosing to stop and smell the roses, or have a dance like nobody's watching, your child is learning how to act out and explore those emotions.
2- Creating a curious space
While children are naturally very curious and creative, they will need a place and opportunity to build on those specific skills. At each of our Little Saints childcare centres, we design the environment for children to learn and explore based on the interests of each individual. The type of activities we do can easily be duplicated at home by offering children materials, such as blocks for building, arts and crafts, that will act as a blank canvas. This allows children to express themselves, and while it might get messy, the conversations and learnings which follow will be invaluable.
3- Prompting conversations
‘Kids say the darndest things’… and we’ve all been faced with those curious “but why is the ocean blue?” type questions. While you may be tempted to promptly provide a response to move on, children do not learn by simply being told. By using questioning language it will help children develop a love for learning. It will also empower them to use their curiosity in self-directed exploration.
Use these conversation starters to prompt conversation with your child:
● “Why do you think…?”
● “Let’s find out…”
● “I wonder what would happen if…”
● “Could we do it this way…?”
4- Giving your child the opportunity to take the wheel
We know that routine and structure is especially important for children as they grow, but there is a time and place where going with the flow can benefit your child. By simply taking a different way on the walk home from your play at the park, letting a child choose their T-shirt, or by lingering in an aisle at the shops can make a difference to a child. It shows the child that they are respected and understood. This empowers them as they realise that their unique ways of viewing and being in the world will be supported by you as their parent.
5- Embracing the world around you
A part of our curriculum at Little Saints is exploring our local community. It not only offers an endless amount of opportunities to learn, but it creates conversations and gives the children a chance to investigate and explore.
When we go on adventures in the local area, it allows our children to explore the world around them, gives them a chance to form their identities and also gives them an opportunity to feel a part of a community. This further advances their creative and curious nature.
6- Mixing with others
By interacting with a wide range of ages and diverse groups it can support a child’s compassion and curiosity. When younger children are mixing with older children, they will benefit from the positive modelling, as well promoting aspiration to reach their capability levels. In the same instance, older children will rise to the expectations from the younger children and teacher, by being responsible and by having the opportunity to use their experience and knowledge. We celebrate the diverse range of cultural backgrounds amongst our children and Educators at Little Saints. We encourage our Educators and families to share the heritage and traditions of their cultures. We do this by exploring different cultural holidays, food dishes, singing songs and reading books.
Using experiences with children of many ages is an excellent way to nurture your child’s curiosity and creativity. Children will become more inquisitive when they get to play with children who are at different ages to them. Whether they are older or younger siblings, some relatives, or friends and classmates. The benefits of organising these play dates are crucial for curious and creative children.
7- Playing along
Us as humans are extremely social creatures – and the need for participating in activities and socialising starts from a very young age. Adults are often invited to play in their children’s imaginative world. When we embrace these worlds, instead of trying to change them or question them, it is a magical adventure, not only for the child, but for the bonding opportunity for the adult too.
Whether you are playing with a matchbox car or buying items from a pretend supermarket, children can learn and grow as the input and support in pretend play can create opportunities to build a trusting and supportive relationship with them, and will build them up as well.
8- Practising (with patience) makes perfect
You don’t have to make supporting creativity and curiosity in your child a complicated task. By completing simple daily activities, both planned and spontaneous, you can help your child in their learning and development throughout their early childhood journey. Tasks which are often considered chores for adults, can actually be exciting and interesting learning experiences for your child to explore. Things which are simple and fun like baking together, doing the gardening or collecting the mail.
By working together with our Educators at Little Saints, we can help you support the creative and curious mind of your child. By incorporating simple daily activities with structured and free play based learning, we can help work with you to give your child the best start in their early childhood. Find out more about Early Childcare Centres here.